The Sandman: Dream Country, Vol. 3

I love the weekend. Today we celebrated a friend's birthday with chilli crab, awfully chocolate cake, ice cream, and wine. I got to hang out with old friends and talk with my sis on Skype. And I had enough time last night and this morning to finish reading this comic by Neil Gaiman.
At this point, I can truthfully say that I am happy.
Volume three explores where great writers get their inspiration from. The Sandman, being the source of dreams, is the source of inspiration for all the great works created by men as well. It is kinda mind-boggling 'cos if the Sandman inspired Shakespeare, did he inspire Gaiman to write the story you hold in your hand as well? It is a little like looking into a pair of parallel mirrors with images retreating into infinity.
This volume includes the original script for "Calliope" and it is interesting to see how a comic gets written. It is rather detailed work and requires a lot of cooperation between the writer and the artist. It is also congruent to include the script in this particular volume since the theme of this volume is the process of writing stories, and the script gives a backstage look at this process.
Art is the translation of memoirs, history, and human experience into stories that never die because their truth echoes through time. And The Sandman series is art.