Fables: Legends in Exile, by Bill Willingham

I bought my first graphic novel: Fables Vol 1, Legends in Exile.
It's so fun to own a comic book. It is like owning a piece of art. I hope I don't get hooked to this feeling 'cos it will prove an expensive hobby.
Fables is about a bunch of fairy tale characters who are in exile in our world, specifically New York. We have the big bad wolf, little red riding hood, the witch in the forest, bluebeard, the three little pigs, Pinocchio, Snow White, etc. going incognito among the Mundanes, i.e. the regular human folk. Volume 1 is about a crime committed in the fable community.
It is available in the library as well, if you would like to thumb through it without having to put up good money, but I'll appreciate it if my hordes of readers (*cough*) will leave me at least one copy. I don't like leaving the library empty-handed. ;) And I really need save myself from the addiction of buying comic books.
(Fables is written by Bill Willingham, Penciled by Lan Medina, Inked by Steve Leialoha and Criag Hamilton, colored by Sherilyn van Valkenburgh, Lettered by Todd Klein, and given covers by James Jean and Alex Maleev. Phew. What a lot of folks it takes to make a comic.)
Who wrote Fables?