Brief Lives, by Neil Gaiman

I now know why books in this genre are known as "graphic novels".
But I think I am finally getting Neil Gaiman in his element. He is imaginative, sensual and his work is driven by plot. I love the brooding Morpheus and the Lady Delirium who makes little coloured mushrooms and frogs sprout wherever she sits. It is amazing what a picture can do. For example, Delirium is always drawn in a whimsical pose: she is sprawled on the floor, or her arm is over her head, or she is surrounded in a multi-coloured realm with frivolous and fantastic bits and pieces. Even her eyes are different coloured!
I like Barnabas too, the sarcastic talking dog. He's cool. Isn't it interesting that Barnabas means "son of encouragement"?
It is so much faster to go through a comic than a novel.